It is currently 12:33am on the day of our departure, and thought I have had about 9 hours sleep over the last 2 nights and have been busy for days; I am finally packed up enough to write a quick final Fiji blog!  The last week has been busily full of goodbyes, packing and cleaning, and sorting out our last shopping for Fiji. It is hard to believe how fast these last 5 ½ months have gone. We can’t think of any one best thing because the whole experience has been incredible. As we have been wrapping up our time here we have found that it is the friendships that we have made that are the hardest thing to leave. It is a humbling thing to know so many of the youth from all around the Suva-Ovalau diocese that at a gathering we can never just walk to where we’re going, but have to stop and talk to someone every few steps! It has been the greatest honour to hear the testimonies of how God has worked through us to impact individuals, youth groups, churches, and other institutions during our time here, though it is a shame these only come out right as we are leaving. As we have been honoured and recognised for our time here it is the most joyful and first response to give all the glory to God – because he is the founder, the strength, the guide, the power, and the love behind us all. He is the sole reason why we are here and why we were able to do what we have done. It is the greatest privilege to be a part of God’s big picture, and we are lucky enough to have caught a glimpse of that as we prepare to leave. Though physically we are packed up and ready to leave, our hearts will forever remain with the friends and family whose lives we have become a part of these months.

As I post this we are soon to leave to say our final goodbyes before heading to the airport. Please pray that we will have no troubles with baggage weight or customs, and that we have a safe journey. See you on the flipside!